"When we get together, I want to encourage you in your faith, but I also want to be encouraged by yours." Romans 1:12, NLT





Hi, I am Beth Jones and known for teaching the Bible basics and I want to invite you to join me for a 6-month, virtual mentoring experience, I am calling the Not-So-Basics Intensive. Through this Intensive, my goal is to strengthen your foundation in the Bible basics and then to move beyond that to help you "live the life and do the stuff" God has prepared for you. In our time together, I believe you will enjoy a fresh encounter with Jesus, gain a renewed love for the revelation that fills God's Word, and discover practical tools to experience everything God wants to do through you wherever you live, work, learn and play.

 What is the Not-So-Basics Intensive? 

This is a 6-month journey of learning, training and community with like-minded people that is designed for anyone who wants to build upon their faith foundation and maximize their full God-given potential.

Think of it as a digital retreat, a mini-Bible School, and a coaching opportunity all wrapped up in one virtual experience. 

 What’s In Store for You? 

  • A Transformational 6-Month Experience: Mark your calendar for May 6 – October 28, 2025
  • LIVE Weekly Teaching + Q&A Sessions: Let's dig into the Word. Each month, on Tuesday nights, from 7-9pm ET via our Group Zoom sessions, I will share from God's Word and you'll have a chance to ask questions. Over the course of 6-months, depending on the enrollment option you choose, we'll spend anywhere from 24 to 48 hours together. (Don't worry, if you have to miss a session or two, you can always watch the Zoom recordings afterwards.)
  • One-on-One LIVE Personal Mentoring: Receive 30-minute, one-on-one personalized Zoom sessions where you drive the agenda. (Schedule TBD).
  • Books & Online Courses: You get full access to 7 of my eBooks and 13 online courses to deepen your learning.
  • Small Group Support: As part of our private Facebook Group you'll be able to connect with our community of like-minded friends to share, learn and grow.
  • Personal Action Plans: Together, we’ll create real, actionable steps to help strengthen your faith and empower you to live it out in daily life.
  • Bahamas Celebration Cruise: Yes! Let's celebrate your transformation with a cruise in January 2026! This is optional, and additional costs  will apply. (Details TBD.)

I’m beyond excited about the possibility of walking alongside you during this journey of growth and transformation. Let’s see what God has in store!





The Not-So-Basics Intensive is for anyone (young, old, male, female, married, single) who is hungry to dig into the Word, go deeper in your faith, and strengthen the foundation that holds everything together.

  • Would you dedicate Tuesday nights, (just one night a week), to gain a life-transforming experience over the course of 6 months?
  • Do you want to gain practical, Biblical insights and proven life experience that will elevate every area of your life?
  • Do you want to make an eternal difference with your life?
  • Do you want to invest in yourself by putting in the time and doing the work? 
  • Are you a self-starter, willing to put what you learn into practice?
  • Do you have the margin to devote 2 to 4 hours each week to our LIVE mentoring sessions and weekly homework?

 This Intensive is Perfect for People Like: 

Faith-Filled Sarah: She feels a strong desire to deepen her faith and align her life with God's purposes -- but struggles with self-doubt and discerning God's will for her career and family. She tries to juggle family, work and church but this leaves little time for personal growth which leads to guilt and potential for burnout. She wants to make a change.

Ministry-Motivated David: He lives a busy and structured life -- he serves in ministry and manages his side-hustle for extra income. He loves his family but struggles with the frustration that his ministry isn't where he'd like it to be and he isn't leaving the faith legacy he envisioned for his family and community. He's ready to make adjustments and put in the work to see more eternal fruit.

Marketplace Maven Rachel : She is high energy and ambitious -- but struggles to balance her growing freelance business, leadership roles at church and family life. She is frustrated by surface level advice and craves a high caliber network who match her drive. She sometimes worries she's not fully stepping into her God-given potential. She wants to focus on making this her most successful and influential year yet.

Legacy Leader Lydia: She is a dynamic trailblazer and purpose-driven -- but struggles to integrate her marketplace leadership with her ministry calling, often feeling pulled between profit and purpose. She craves strategic, Spirit-led insights from someone who's navigated these waters successfully. She's hungry for the tools she needs to put a bigger dent in eternity.

Do you identify with any or all of these people? If so, you are in the right place!






In the Not-So-Basics Intensive, building a solid foundation for your faith is my top priority. So, let’s strengthen your inner structure by diving into the essentials!

To make sure you have everything you need, I’ll be giving you 5 ebook copies of my "Getting a Grip on the Basics" Bible study series. These include:

  • Getting a Grip on the Basics
  • Getting a Grip on the Basics of Serving God
  • Getting a Grip on the Basics of Health and Healing
  • Getting a Grip on the Basics of Generous Living
  • Getting a Grip on the Basics of Prayer

But that’s not all! I also want to bless you with two bonus ebooks to strengthen your faith:

  • The 7 Basics
  • Getting a Grip on Your Lip (newly updated!)

In addition, for those who enroll as Legacy Leaders (details below), I will send you a signed soft cover copy of two of my books:

  • Reinvent: Start Fresh, Love Life!
  • Breaking Through the Stained-Glass Ceiling: The role of women in leadership in the church.

Then, throughout our sessions together, I’ll guide you through the key insights from each book. Plus, I’ll be there to answer any questions you have, making sure you’re equipped to apply what you’re learning.

Knowing the Lord deeply, gaining revelation knowledge, and connecting-the-Bible-dots is absolutely essential to living the life God has made available to us. Let’s make sure your faith is built on a rock-solid foundation!






How do you truly step into the life God has designed for you?

In our sessions, we’ll journey together into the practical, day-to-day reality of living the life. My life is not perfect, but through the years, I've learned some valuable lessons and I'd love to share them with you. I'll be real—sharing the highs, the lows, the mistakes, and the hard-won wisdom that have shaped my walk with God. Together, we’ll talk about:

  • How faith keeps us anchored through life’s storms.
  • How speaking God’s Word over our lives changes everything.
  • How we’ve navigated 39 years of marriage—the joys and the challenges.
  • How we raised our children and continue to nurture a growing family.
  • How we handle stress and cultivate lasting peace.
  • How we share Christ’s love and live with an eternal mindset.
  • How we seek God’s wisdom for health, wellness, and wholeness.
  • How we deal with heartbreak, setbacks, and still hold on to joy.
  • How we steward finances wisely—growing, investing, and building for the future.
  • How we deepen relationships with family and friends in meaningful ways.

I’ll also pull back the curtain on my personal rhythms—what keeps me spiritually, mentally, and physically strong. I’ll share my favorite books, podcasts, songs, faith declarations, and the influences that continually fuel my journey.

As we walk through these practical steps together, I believe your life will be transformed. You’ll step more fully into the abundant life God has already prepared for you—one of purpose, peace, and lasting joy. Let’s do this together!







Now, let’s "do the stuff."

This is where it gets practical! In our virtual time together, we’ll focus on how to find God's balance as you maximize your life—and I’ll walk with you step-by-step as we answer these key questions to help you create your personal life roadmap:

  • Where are you now?
  • Where do you want to be?
  • How will you get there?
  • What do you want?
  • What do you have?
  • What will you do?
  • Why will you do it?

 We’ll Cover Practical Strategies: 

  • Envisioning the end from the beginning and creating your God-inspired vision board.
  • Using organizational tools and technology to execute your plan effectively.
  • Living out the normal Christian life while being an ambassador for Christ in your daily world.

This isn’t about theory; this is about real-world application. I’ll be sharing what the Lord has taught me through my own journey, and what I’ve seen work for the past 47 years. Together, we’ll lay the foundation for a life that is intentional, impactful, and fully aligned with God’s purposes for you.






I’ve designed the Not-So-Basics Intensive to be both impactful and accessible, with four options for enrollment. 

I truly want to see you grow and thrive! So, I’ve worked hard to create options that will meet you right where you are and to price this in a way that’s manageable and loaded with value for you. 

 There Are Four Enrollment Options: 

OPTION #1: The Faith-Filled Friend: 2 LIVE Teaching Sessions + Q&A via Group Zoom Each Month + 1, 30-Minute One-on-One Personal Zoom Call Over the 6 Months + More!

OPTION #2: Ministry-Motivated: 3 LIVE Teaching Sessions + Q&A via Group Zoom Each Month + 2, 30-Minute One-on-One Personal Zoom Call Over the 6 Months + More!

OPTION #3: The Marketplace Maven: 3 LIVE Teaching Sessions + Q&A via Group Zoom Each Month + 2, 30-Minute One-on-One Personal Zoom Call Over the 6 Months + More!

OPTION #4: The Legacy Leader: 4 LIVE Teaching Sessions + Q&A via Group Zoom Each Month + 3, 30-Minute One-on-One Personal Zoom Call Over the 6 Months + More!

I truly believe in the value of the experience, wisdom, and insights I’ll be sharing with you. My heart is to pour into your life, offering you biblical guidance, practical resources, and personal support. This journey isn’t just about information—it’s about transformation. 

 Why Is There a Cost? 

Now, you might be wondering about the cost. If you know me, you know how much I love giving away books, podcasts, devotionals, and courses—sharing freely has been a lifelong passion of mine. But because this is an intensive, I believe a small investment on your part is key to your success. When we invest in something (aka: have "skin in the game"), we tend to show up differently—we engage more fully, we value it more deeply, and we protect that investment. 

I want you to get the most out of this experience, and I know that when you lean in with intention, you’ll see the fruit of it in your life. Let’s go after this together!




  • 12 LIVE Teaching + Q&A Sessions via Group Zoom (24 Hours)  
  • 1 - 30-Minute One-on-One Personal Zoom Call
  • 7 eBooks
  • 13 Online Courses
  • Dozens of Worksheets
  • Private Facebook Group
  • Opportunity to Join Celebration Cruise
  • Total Value: $2900




  • 18 LIVE Teaching + Q&A Sessions via Group Zoom (36 Hours)  
  • 2 - 30-Minute One-on-One Personal Zoom Calls
  • 7 eBooks
  • 13 Online Courses
  • Dozens of Worksheets
  • Private Facebook Group 
  • Opportunity to Join Celebration Cruise
  • Total Value: $4100




  • 18 LIVE Teaching + Q&A Sessions via Group Zoom (36 Hours)  
  • 2 - 30-Minute One-on-One Personal Zoom Calls
  • 7 eBooks
  • 13 Online Courses
  • Dozens of Worksheets
  • Private Facebook Group
  • Opportunity to Join Celebration Cruise
  • Total Value: $4100




  • 24 - LIVE Teaching + Q&A Sessions via Group Zoom (48 Hours)  
  • 3 - 30-Minute One-on-One Personal Zoom Calls
  • 7 eBooks + 2 paperback
  • 13 Online Courses
  • Dozens of Worksheets
  • Private - Facebook Group
  • Opportunity to Join Celebration Cruise 
  • Total Value: $5300




You may want to know more about our Tuesday Teaching, Q&A and One-on-One Zoom calls and the differences between the enrollment options for Faith-Filled Friend, Ministry-Motivated, Marketplace Mavens and Legacy Leaders. Please read all the details below to see the distinctions,





In addition to everything already mentioned, let's just throw in a cruise! Who doesn’t love a good celebration? If you’re able to join me, let’s wrap up the Not-so-Basics Intensive in style with a 3-4-day cruise to the Bahamas - tentatively scheduled for January 2026!

This will be a special time of fellowship, fun, and sun, exclusively for all of you enrolled in the Intensive -- and you can bring 1 guest, if you'd like. My husband Jeff will join us to celebrate your transformation, plus we'll share communion together, and for those who want to make a public declaration of their faith, we’ll offer a beautiful water baptism opportunity at one of the beaches!

*Please note: This cruise will be an added expense for those who choose to join. More details and final dates will be coming soon!










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